The Digital Transformation Express, Microsoft Puts Future on Display

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The exploding digital world is transforming how we all do business. Kurt Sippel, president of Applied Tech, got a first-hand look at the pace of that acceleration in Chicago recently at the Microsoft PeopleCentral Conference.

Sippel, joined by his director of sales, James Walstad, learned about new tools and ways to harness them to create opportunities for his customers and their businesses.

“Just the scope of the changes – and the opportunities they let us bring back to our clients – was incredible,” Sippel said. “The pace at which new tools come on line, the exploding use and convenience of the modern cloud technology: it is all going to help our clients transform their business, operations and employees’ efficiency.”

Sippel and Walstad said they learned about best practices and picked up on incentives, training resources, and technical & sales readiness to help Applied Tech customers reach their business goals quicker.

The advice came from some of Microsoft’s top technologists, software and sales executives and their partners. Topics included cyber security, data centers, back up strategies and even cutting edge and emerging technologies like Hololens, Microsoft’s first fully self-contained holographic computer which enables the user to interact with other high-definition holograms.

“This stuff sounds like science fiction, but it is real,” Sippel said. “In the not-too-distant future it will transform the ways we communicate, create, collaborate and explore.”

The group also got a pep talk on leadership from Robyn Benincasa, a world champion adventure racer, award-winning motivational speaker, 3x Guinness World Record kayaker, San Diego firefighter, 10x Ironman triathlete, New York Times bestselling author, owner of two bionic metal hips, and the founder and CEO of Project Athena Foundation, which helps survivors live an adventurous dream as part of their recovery.

Robyn has helped Fortune 500 companies including Starbucks, Wal-Mart, Boeing, Johnson & Johnson, Northrup, Siemens, Napster, Nestle, and Hewlett Packard bring out the world class team builder, leader and peak performer in their employees.

“She had quite an amazing story to tell,” Sippel said. “It’s hard not to be inspired when you hear her journey.”

Applied Tech being involved in these events not only helps them get a head start, it also allows the possibility of foresight. Knowing where the market is going and keeping their customers ahead of the curve is one of their many priorities. The future of tech is vast and it will be near impossible to navigate through the ever-transforming landscape alone. Applied Tech can be your guide.

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