Summertime Road Tripping

road sign that says "road trip"

Planning a road trip with the family is always a great getaway during the summer and an even better way to regroup and spend quality time together. The easiest part of this master plan is choosing the destination, but what about the road in-between? Keeping it organized is key to getting the most out of such precious times, not to mention helping you keep your sanity.

Even if you are a veteran road vacationer and extremely organized on your own, you may want to change it up, maybe go the road less traveled and see some more unusual sites. What about the world’s largest ball of twine, haunted hotels, paranormal aliens or even Hitler’s toilet? The strategy in the planning sounds daunting but there is an app that can turn this enormous task into a simple click of a button. All you need to do is put in the beginning and ending points and leave the rest of it up to this latest technology app.

The app called Road Trippers lets you sit back and go from discovery to action on the quirkiest, most adventurous routes. You can add up to 28 destinations and it will provide  you  with a very concise itinerary to find all the hidden treasures on yours and your family’s bucket list. It even has a gas tracking feature that takes the guesswork out of fuel costs.  Like chasing storms? It comes with a built in weather forecast. If you don’t like surprises the app provides a “Rad-O-Meter” that gives you reviews from other Road Trippers who have gone before you!

So grab the family, jump in the car and set off on a new adventure this summer because life is too short for just sitting around!! Find it Here

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