OSFA: OK For Tube Socks But Not For Technology

One Size Fits All may be an easy, cost-saving way to produce and sell nose rings and white tube socks.

But when it comes to the tech needs of today’s companies, OSFA is outdated and inefficient. Gone are the days of moving stacks and racks of server boxes in and out to handle growing or changing email or accounting or data services. Gone are the days of trying to predict storage capacities or budgeting for on-site infrastructure as business needs changed.

Today, as services shift to the cloud, IT is able to – make that HAS to — align with a company’s business side, understanding business needs and meeting them. Thanks to cloud storage and cloud servers, companies today can customize their computer needs directly to their business needs without being overly concerned about capital expense.

Companies can access whatever part of the cloud they need, when they need it. For their employees, that might mean better and more efficient use of remote work on a variety of devices – while maintaining company security.  For their customers, cloud services let websites offer a more robust experience with videos, tool and interactive presentations not possible for the bandwidth of many small and medium size companies.

At Applied Tech, we tailor your cloud experience to your company’s specific needs and market. We help you migrate your current computer services to the cloud and train your employees on how to use it to increase productivity and your bottom line. Call us for a cloud readiness assessment and let us get you started on technology change that is designed for your exact needs.

Need more proof? Check out this article from Business Insider on how Toyota embraced cloud computing:  www.businessinsider.com/cloud-computing-toyota-motors-2012-11.

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