IT Security Pop Quiz!

Can You Answer Yes to These Questions?

  1. Do you know who is accessing your data?
  2. Can you grant access to your data based on risk in real time?
  3. Can you protect your data on devices, in the Cloud and in transit?
  4. Can you quickly find and react to a breach?

If you can answer “yes” to these questions then your security is probably sound and you can sleep well at night.

But if you answer “no” to any, then it’s time to call Applied Tech to help assess your system and what it needs to make you and your customers happy and safe.

As part of a company’s cyber security policy, we can help you:

  • identify risks related to cyber security
  • establish cyber security governance
  • develop policies, procedures and oversight processes
  • protect company networks and information
  • identify and address risks associated with remote access to client information and funds transfer requests
  • define and handle risks associated with vendors and other third parties
  • detect and fix unauthorized activity.

Information security is a topic that you’ll want to place at the top of your business plan for 2017. Having a strong plan to protect your organization from cyber attacks is fundamental. So is a recovery plan to help you deal with the aftermath of a potential security breach.

These plans can also become leverage for your company. Customers think highly of those IT managers who are prepared to deal with every imaginable scenario that the company might experience.

Contact Applied Tech today to help you create an action plan to strengthen your company’s defenses against user error as well as aggressive cyber criminals and their practices.

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