Employee Spotlight: Brett Carlile

Brett photo collage

This month, we get to know Brett Carlile, a systems technician at Platte River Networks. Brett has worked with us since October of 2020, and primarily works with customers from City Light & Power and Lonex. Brett enjoys the challenges and opportunities to learn new things every day and enjoys his co-workers at Platte River.

Prior to joining PRN, Brett worked lift operations at Snoqualmie Pass in Washington. His first IT job was working for Black Diamond Equipment while going to school at the University of Utah. After school, he went on to work for Alta and stayed there for 10 years. He’s also worked in IT for Juno Therapeutics and OZ Architecture. The most exciting job he held was doing guided rock climbing tours. But he preferred to climb what he wanted to climb, whether than be told where to climb! (Which makes sense.)

Brett enjoys high alpine rock climbing, steep skiing, and snow and avalanche science. He is happiest when his hands are in a clean gold cam size splitter and the valley is far below his feet. (If you’re into climbing, I assume you get that reference). His favorite book is The Chuting Galler – A Guide to Steep Skiing in the Wasatch Mountains. It’s been a long-term goal of Bretts to ski all the lines in that book. Some of them are very hard or rather inaccessible. His favorite line so far has been the Hypodermic Needle. So basically, Brett loves to chase adrenaline is the theme I’m sensing.

When asked who is favorite superhero is, Brett says his Mom, of course. And the person he most admires is anyone who rises to the moment when needed. Brett has two cats, Earl and Totodile and a nine-year-old son that he says keeps things pretty interesting. His favorite motto is FIDO (F#$% it and Drive On).

When he was younger, Brett wanted to fly F-16’s and now, if he could be anyone else, he would be an astronaut.

We love having Brett on our team here at Platte River Networks!

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