Laptop Security Trends You Should Know About

laptop with chains and lock

Good old laptops. You see them everywhere, on college campuses, neighborhood coffee shops, airports, restaurants and parks. We are all guilty of storing most of our important files on the local drive, even if it’s only for a short time.  A laptop has more storage, more connection options, and more legacy apps that any smartphone or tablet.

Whether you are using it for business or personal use, laptop security is extremely important, even if you already have an endpoint security product in place. The world is always trying to keep up with hackers, stay a step ahead. Did you know that one of the easiest ways to steal passwords, break into file archives, and intercept a confidential email is through a laptop?

3. Bulletproof Gmail access

One of the most common attack surfaces for any laptop user is to compromise your email, usually by guessing a password. Why is that? For hackers, gaining access to your email means accessing bank accounts, social media, and all of your files. Fortunately, Gmail provides two factor authentication using a USB hardware key. It means, for any laptop, you can only gain access to email if the key is present in the USB drive.


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